Register for hours of on-demand first-hand insight from industrial, energy & engineering drone & robotics leaders, from the 2024 EDR Summit!

For Just $99 Get Immediate Access to Intel

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This low price of $99 includes three days of action-packed sessions from our 2024 EDR Summit including:

  • Industrial Reality Capture Forum

  • DRONERESPONDERS TX Emergency Management Forum

  • Industrial Digital Twin Forum

  • Methane Strategies Forum

  • EnergAIze Energy AI Forum


  • Hear from Ade Famoti, Senior Director at Microsoft, regarding The Rise of Humanoids: Transforming the Landscape of Robotics

  • Chevron and ConocoPhillips share on Achieving Scale in Remote, Aerial OGI Operations 

  • Industrial Drone Delivery & Autonomous Cargo Roundtable

  • BVLOS & Autonomous Ops for Critical Infrastructure Roundtable

  • Energy Asset Owner & Operators Roundtable with top leaders from ExxonMobil, Oxy, Dow, and Florida Power & Light discussing the latest drone and robotics intel

  • Catherine Tea of Dow presents Revolutionizing Site Security: Autonomous Drones in Manufacturing.

  • Integrating Drones & Robotics for Maritime Tank Inspections

  • Scaling Your Drone Program: Training, Maintenance, and Ensuring Safety for Regulatory Compliance

  • …and so much more!

FEATURING SPEAKERS FROm top industry Asset owners & Operators:

ConocoPhillips | ExxonMobil | Dow | Florida Power & Light | Shell | Chevron | Suncor | Oxy

Contact Executive Director, Sean Guerre to discuss getting involved in the 2025 ED+R Summit June 16-18, 2025!